25 November 2020
Mreža znanja 2020
Europe/Ljubljana timezone

In science, public infrastructure and everyday life, we are increasingly using large amounts of data and computer systems to store and process them. Through a series of initiatives, such as the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, the European Community has provided everything needed to manage our data and support the advancement of science and technology. In Slovenia, these initiatives further encourage our domestic investment in data management, supercomputing networks, knowledge technologies and data repositories.
In cooperation with the Slovenian representatives of the European project NI4OS-Europe - National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe and the community of the Slovenian national supercomputing network SLING with the HPC RIVR project and supercomputers Maister, Trdina and EuroHPC Vega, a large data system for an open science repository which will start operating at the Institute of Information Science in Maribor at the beginning of next year, top researchers will be presenting their view on access to data, research data management and the use of computational resources.

Mreža znanja 2020
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