National Dissemination event in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Banja Luka

Banja Luka

Andjela Pepic, Dragana Radulovic , Mihajlo Savic, Vladimir Risojevic

The first NI4OS-Europe national dissemination event in Bosnia and Herzegovina is dedicated to all categories of the Open Science Cloud stakeholders in the country.

The event will start with a presentation focus on NI4OS-Europe, EOSC and our position within the EU and global Open Science area. The next two talks will present Open Science tools and implementation of satellite photos classification system and how our research group used open source software and open data sources to implement a system used to classify satellite images; Lessons we learned; Overview of tools used for machine learning and web front generation and demonstration of the service in use.

The event will continue with fostering the application of RRI principles at the territorial level in Western Balkans; R&I ecosystems and promotion of a multi-level steering R&I governance framework in the WBCs; RRI principles as enablers to the shared learning and diffusion of R&I governance innovations at territorial level, enhancing R&I planning, including S3 Strategies in the WBCs.

The last presentation will show concrete examples of available tools and services within the scope of NI4OS-Europe project and their application to ongoing research initiatives. The event will finish discussions.

The organizers of the event will use their own webinar system.

    • 09:30 10:00
      Registration 30m

      Time for accessing the system and testing the videoconferencing

    • 10:00 10:30
      NI4OS-Europe Project 30m

      Short presentation on NI4OS-Europe, EOSC and our pisition within the EU and global Open Science area

      Speaker: Mihajlo Savic
    • 10:30 11:00
      Open Science in Practice 30m

      Open Science tools and implementation of satellite photos classification system
      How our research group used open source software and open data sources to implement a system used to classify satellite images. Lessons we learned. Overview of tools used for machine learning and web front generation. Demonstration of the service in use.

      Speaker: Vladimir Risojevic
    • 11:00 11:30
      Responsible Research Infrastructures 30m

      Fostering the application of RRI principles at the territorial level in Western Balkans. R&I ecosystems and promotion of a multi-level steering R&I governance framework in the WBCs. RRI principles as enablers to the shared learning and diffusion of R&I governance innovations at territorial level, enhancing R&I planning, including S3 Strategies in the WBCs.

      Speaker: Andjela Pepic
    • 11:30 12:00
      How can I benefit from NI4OS-Europe and EOSC 30m

      Concrete examples of available tools and services within the scope of NI4OS-Europe project and their application to ongoing research initiatives.

      Speaker: Mihajlo Savic
    • 12:00 12:30
      Q&A Session 30m

      Open Discussion

      Speaker: Dragana Radulovic