The Future of EOSC

Webinar room (NI4OS training platform)

Webinar room

NI4OS training platform

The Future of EOSC course
Anastas Mishev (UKIM) , Sonja Filiposka (Ss. Cyril and Methodius University Faculty of computer science and engineering)

The development of the European Open Science Cloud is underway and this years’ end marks the completion of the initial production-level EOSC platform.

The goal of this event is to provide updates for the community on the current developments regarding EOSC from both the users’ and the service providers’ perspective. The speakers will aim to introduce the participants to the latest activities regarding EOSC in general, and NI4OS-Europe and EOSC-Future in particular, and how they lead to the next stage of developing the overall EOSC landscape.

The participants will be introduced to opportunities how to use EOSC services and how to provide services into EOSC. Our service on-boarding team will provide updates for service providers and discuss the EOSC Interoperability Framework. The Repository Certification process will also be presented and our speaker will share the extensive experience in this area.

The EOSC Early Adopter Program, the Future Users Group, the RDA Open Calls, and the NI4OS-Europe Open Call will be presented.

Finally, there will be discussions about the updates of the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda and the Multi-Annual Roadmap, and we will provide a snapshot of the EOSC Task Forces.

We hope that you will find the proposed agenda interesting and we invite you to register and actively participate in the event.